Forum Wissen – the museum of knowledge in Göttingen

The Forum Wissen of the University of Göttingen is a meeting place where knowledge is conveyed, reflected upon, discussed and created.
The Museum of Knowledge addresses the question: How is knowledge actually created? In twelve uniquely designed Spaces of Knowledge, there are over 1,400 objects from the University’s diverse collections to discover. Changing special exhibitions focus on what currently moves science and society.
In this way, we help to facilitate social exchange and create spaces in which people with different perspectives can learn from one another.

Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm.
Admission free!

+++ On 24/25.12.24 and from 30.12.24-1.1.25 the Forum Wissen will be closed. Otherwise, our house will be open as normal between Christmas and New Year. +++


Discover our joint programme of Forum Wissen and the Göttingen Collections (in German)…

Chalk Talk mit Prof. Dr. Annette Zgoll: “Uralte Mythen neu verstehen: Tod und Auferstehung der Göttin Innana-Ischtar”

Die „Chalk Talks“ gehen im Wintersemester 2024/25 in eine neue Runde! Am 22. November freuen wir uns auf Prof. Dr. Annette Zgoll und den Talk zum Thema: Uralte Mythen neu verstehen: Tod und Auferstehung der Göttin Innana-Ischtar. Bei unseren Chalk […]

News from our Blog (mostly in German)